OraCmd - Oracle access without client tool »
parameters: delimiter: delimiter char ("|",",","#","TAB","WHITESPACE") quote: quote char (quote="'" => single quotes, quote="chr(34)" => double quotes) quotestringonly: set "y" to put quotes around string columns only and not ones with values or numbers recorddelimiter: record delimiter, default is CRLF header: y|n, print field name at first line exportclob: y|n, export clob data to file table: table name ("all" for unload all table) query: sql query string (can not use multi-line sql) sqlfile: sql script file contains the query you want to unload schema: schema name, use this prameter to unload specific schema's data, if not set, use logon user's default schema datafile: data file name folder: data files folder (for unload all table) dateformat: date format (e.g. "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS") timestampformat: timestamp format (e.g. ''YYYY-MM-DD-HH24.MI.SS.FF6'') buffer: Number of rows that will be transferred across the network at the same time. This property can have a great impact on performance. So it is preferable to choose the optimal value of buffer for each SQL statement and software - hardware configuration experimentally. The default value is 25. unicode: set "unicode=y" to make unloaded file unicode encode. quit = y|n (quit OraCmd after run batch file) example: OraCmd> unload table=jobs datafile=e:\temp\tables\jobs.txt delimiter="," header=y; datafile: jobs.txt
OraCmd> unload query="select job_id,job_title from jobs" 2 datafile=e:\temp\tables\jobs_part.txt 3 delimiter="," 4 header=y; datafile: jobs_part.txt
sqlfile content: unload_jobs.sql select job_id,job_title from jobs OraCmd> unload sqlfile=e:\temp\tables\unload_jobs.sql 2 datafile=e:\temp\tables\jobs_part2.txt 3 delimiter="," quote="chr(34)" 4 header=y; datafile content: jobs_part2.txt "JOB_ID","JOB_TITLE" "AD_PRES","President" "AD_VP","Administration Vice President" "AD_ASST","Administration Assistant" "FI_MGR","Finance Manager" "FI_ACCOUNT","Accountant" "AC_MGR","Accounting Manager" "AC_ACCOUNT","Public Accountant" "SA_MAN","Sales Manager" "SA_REP","Sales Representative" "PU_MAN","Purchasing Manager" "PU_CLERK","Purchasing Clerk" "ST_MAN","Stock Manager" "ST_CLERK","Stock Clerk" "SH_CLERK","Shipping Clerk" "IT_PROG","Programmer" "MK_MAN","Marketing Manager" "MK_REP","Marketing Representative" "HR_REP","Human Resources Representative" "PR_REP","Public Relations Representative"
OraCmd> unload table=all folder=e:\temp\tables delimiter="," header=y;