Withdata Software

Batch export MySQL table TEXT data to files

Want to batch export MySQL table TEXT (CLOB) to files ?

Using DBBlobEditor, you can bulk export MySQL table TEXT (CLOB) to files easily and fast.

Download DBBlobEditor Download DBBlobEditor
Windows 64 bit
Windows 32 bit
Linux .deb (For Debian, Ubuntu) 64 bit
Linux .rpm (For Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE) 64 bit
MacOS 64 bit

Batch export MySQL table TEXT (CLOB) to files

Run DBBlobEditor, login to MySQL.

Bulk export MySQL table TEXT (CLOB) to files - login to MySQL

Click “Start New Task – Export LOB To Files” at task dialog.

Batch export MySQL table TEXT (CLOB) to files - Task Window

then choose MySQL table to export TEXT (CLOB).

Batch export MySQL table TEXT (CLOB) data to files

More about DBBlobEditorMySQL TEXT (CLOB) exporter