Withdata Software

Replace (Update/Insert) a row into Oracle table – Merge into

In Mysql,  if you want to either updates or inserts a row in a table, depending if the table already has a row that matches the data, you can use “ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE”.

How to do it in Oracle?

Use “merge into” .

MERGE INTO employees USING dual ON ( "id"=123456 )
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET "last_name"="smith" , "first_name"="bob"
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT ("id","last_name","first_name")
    VALUES ( 123456,"smith", "bob" )


See also:

Upsert data from CSV to Oracle
Upsert data from TSV to Oracle
Upsert data from TXT to Oracle
Upsert data from Excel to Oracle
Upsert data from XML to Oracle
Upsert data from JSON to Oracle
Upsert data from SQL file to Oracle

Replace (Update/Insert) a row into other DB:

In SQL Server, http://www.withdata.com/ad/sql-server/replace-update-or-insert-a-row-into-sql-server-table.html .

In DB2, http://www.withdata.com/ad/db2/replace-update-or-insert-a-row-into-db2-table-merge-into.html .

In PostgreSQL, http://www.withdata.com/ad/postgresql/replace-update-or-insert-a-row-into-postgresql-table.html

In Sqlite, http://www.withdata.com/ad/sqlite/replace-update-or-insert-a-row-into-sqlite-table.html