In Mysql, if you want to either updates or inserts a row in a table, depending if the table already has a row that matches the data, you can use “ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE”.
How to do it in PostgreSQL?
A way to do an “UPSERT” in postgresql is to do two sequential UPDATE/INSERT statements that are each designed to succeed or have no effect.
UPDATE table SET field='C', field2='Z' WHERE id=3; INSERT INTO table (id, field, field2) SELECT 3, 'C', 'Z' WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE id=3);
The UPDATE will succeed if a row with “id=3” already exists, otherwise it has no effect.
The INSERT will succeed only if row with “id=3” does not already exist.
You can combine these two into a single string and run them both with a single SQL statement execute from your application. Running them together in a single transaction is highly recommended.
With PostgreSQL 9.1 this can be achieved using a writeable CTE:
WITH new_values (id, field1, field2) as ( values (1, 'A', 'X'), (2, 'B', 'Y'), (3, 'C', 'Z') ), upsert as ( update mytable m set field1 = nv.field1, field2 = nv.field2 FROM new_values nv WHERE = RETURNING m.* ) INSERT INTO mytable (id, field1, field2) SELECT id, field1, field2 FROM new_values WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM upsert up WHERE =
PostgreSQL since version 9.5 has UPSERT syntax, with ON CONFLICT clause. with the following syntax (similar to MySQL)
INSERT INTO the_table (id, column_1, column_2) VALUES (1, 'A', 'X'), (2, 'B', 'Y'), (3, 'C', 'Z') ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET column_1 = excluded.column_1, column_2 = excluded.column_2;
You can see this page for more about PostgreSQL “Upsert”:
See also:
Upsert data from CSV to PostgreSQL
Upsert data from TSV to PostgreSQL
Upsert data from TXT to PostgreSQL
Upsert data from Excel to PostgreSQL
Upsert data from XML to PostgreSQL
Upsert data from JSON to PostgreSQL
Upsert data from SQL file to PostgreSQL
Replace (Update/Insert) a row into other DB:
In SQL Server, .
In DB2,
In Sqlite,