Withdata Software

Batch transfer data from MongoDB collections to MySQL tables without programming

Want to batch transfer data from MongoDB collections to MySQL ?

Using MongoToDB, a native GUI tool, you can batch transfer data from MongoDB collections to MySQL (MariaDB, Percona) easily and fast, just a few mouse clicks!

Support all MongoDB deployment types: standalone, replica set, sharded cluster, and MongoDB Atlas.

Support Windows, Linux, macOS

Support connect to MySQL through SSH tunnel.

Here you can download and install MongoToDB.

Batch transfer data from MongoDB collections To MySQL (MariaDB, Percona) tables

Click “Import All Collections” at task dialog.

then show the wizard.

1. Open Source.

2. Choice Target “Import Type”.

3. Map Source collections and Target tables.

4. Show Summary.

5. Transfer.

Click “View Last”, See MySQL table data.

You can schedule and automate this converting task by:

1) Save session and create .bat file.

2) Set scheduled task.

More about MongoToDB – the tool to copy MongoDB data to MySQL (MariaDB, Percona)

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