FileToMongo 4.8 Released Download
V4.8 Released
Add importing data from HTML table.
Improve importing data from XML.
Improve parsing big SQL file.

V4.7 Released
Add importing each table data in a SQL file to a seperate collection at one time.
Add importing each worksheet in an Excel file to a seperate collection at one time.
Fix reading XML in UTF-16 encoding.
Improve parsing SQL Server SQL dump scripts.

V4.6 Released
Add support http proxy.
Improve reading JSON file has deep levels.
Improve reading big JSON file with UTF8+BOM encoding.

V4.5 Released
Add support to SRV (DNS Seed List) connection.
Improve importing SQL file, for date/timestamp data.
Improve support to MongoDB Atlas.

V4.4 Released
Add support to import data from SQL file.
Improve support to multiple monitors.
Some minor bug fixes and improvements.

V4.3 Released
Fix bug on executing "MongoDB query contains $".
Improve progress UI.
Improve reading JSON file.
Improve reading big text file.

V4.2 Released
Fix bugs on wizard.
Fix warning wrong format JSON file.
Improve exception report.

V4.1 Released
Add importing from INI file.
Add more "Help" buttons, and "Help" web pages.
Improve exporting from big XML file performance.
Improve reading JSON, support more encodings.
Improve reading XML, support more encodings.

V4.0 Released
Add downloading/importing from url list.
Improve importing XML files.

V3.9 Released
Add "switch MongoDB database".
Improve reading JSON files.
Improve reading RDF files.
Improve reading XML files.
Improve reading big JSON files.

V3.8 Released
Add support for MongoDB 6.0.
Add support for reading file with more encodings.
Fix import from n files.
Improve reading XML file.

V3.7 Released
Improve import XML data.
Improve log on.

V3.6 Released
Fix load session for batch import data from files.
Some minor bug fixes and improvements.

V3.5 Released
Improve support to Linux command line.
Some minor bug fixes and improvements.

V3.4 Released
Add "import from url".
Fix "N to 1, Part Columns".

V3.3 Released
Fix FileName As Column.
Fix convert n to 1, with different column count or orders.
Fix parse text file.
Improve deal with read JSON error in n to 1.
Improve deal with read XML error in n to 1.

V3.2 Released
Fix detect BOM.
Fix read BOM start JSON file.
Fix read long line file.
Fix write bad file.
Improve display progress for estimated rows.
Improve import number to db.
Improve import string contains double quote (") to MongoDB.
Improve read XML with sublevel.

V3.1 Released
Fix read JSON, some data items have no RecordOn Node.
Improve create batch file for running scheduled task on Windows.

V3.0 Released
Add suport "connect to MongoDB Atlas".
Add suport "connect via URI".
Add suport Linux.
Add suport macOS.

V2.4 Released
Improve "read big JSON file performance".
Improve "read big text file performance".

V2.3 Released
Fix bugs caused by incompatible library version.
Fix read some JSON file, "skip 1st record, double 2nd record" bug.

V2.2 Released
Improve importing performance.

V2.1 Released
Add "run a task every n hours".
Add "run a task every n minutes".

V2.0 Released
Improve data convert performance.
Improve deal with n to 1 converting, different fields in different JSON files.
Improve deal with n to 1 converting, different fields in different XML files.

V1.9 Released
Add "Record On" to support more complex JSON importing.
Add "Record On" to support more complex XML importing.
Add import RDF JSON-LD format.
Fix JSON Lines read bug.
Fix XML read first node.
Fix XML read node has value, has attributes, has no child.
Fix adjust table list width.
Fix move files after importting.
Improve deal with not invalid RDF format file.
Improve deal with not invalid XML format file.
Improve import RDF turtle format.

V1.8 Released
Add option "source filename as column"
Add parse "US$" format string to number.
Fix calculate record number on multiple sheets.
Fix lost break lines when write multiple lines data to string field.
Improve map columns.

V1.7 Released
Fix a file choose bug.
Fix a folder choose bug.
Fix an SSL connect issue.
Improve importing performance.

V1.6 Released
Fix a performance problem cause by too many small files.
Fix bug on importing data from non-first sheet.
Fix bug on reading some XLSX files.
Fix the problem about duplicate node names.

V1.5 Released
Add import RDF N-Quads files (.nq) .
Add import RDF N-Triples files (.nt, .ntriples) .
Add import RDF Turtle files (.ttl, .n3) .
Improve read XML file performance.
Improve read big RDF file performance.

V1.4 Released
Add import from INI file.
Add validate JSON format.
Improve convert with large column count.
Improve parse TXT/TSV/CSV file quote char.
Improve read long text in XML.

V1.3 Released
Fix for MongoDB BSON binary type 04.
Improve JSON source view.
Improve XML source view.
Improve for XML duplicate column.
Improve read TAB, break line in JSON file.

V1.2 Released
Improve export from query.
Improve import date, number, boolean.
Improve read JSON ISODate.
Improve read JSON array.
Improve run query.
Improve support to import array.
Improve support to read big JSON file.
Improve support to read big TXT/CSV/TSV file.

V1.1 Released
Add "move successful files to another folder" function.
Add convert data from web.
Add handle for skip rows big than total rows.
Add support date format like: "20150101 13:43:29".
Add support date format like: "2016-04-12T18:37:09-07:00".
Add support date format like: "2016-07-21T17:18:52Z".
Add support date format like: "Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:08:32 +0800".
Add support date formats like: "2015:06:21", "2015:06:21 08:02:48", "2016:03:20 20:08:08-06:00".
Add support to array of array.
Add support to convert both from XML child elements and attributes.
Add support to convert from n sub-level JSON child nodes.
Add support to convert from n sub-level XML child elements.
Add view target collection after importing.
Fix bug on data file contains empty line.
Fix bug on source data file name has no ext.
Fix list collections for MongoDB 2.*.
Fix user login on MongoDB 3.*.
Improve support for converting files from folder.

V1.0 Released
Fix import Excel/JSON/XML files from folder.
Improve wizard form UI.

V1.0 Released
First Release.