Withdata Software Products
DB To DB related products:
- AccessToDB2 - Transfer data from Access To DB2
- AccessToDbf - Transfer data from Access To DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- AccessToMsSql - Transfer data from Access To SQL Server
- AccessToMysql - Transfer data from Access To MySQL
- AccessToOracle - Transfer data from Access To Oracle
- AccessToPostgres - Transfer data from Access To PostgreSQL
- AccessToSqlite - Transfer data from Access To SQLite
- DB2ToAccess - Transfer data from DB2 To Access
- DB2ToDbf - Transfer data from DB2 To DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- DB2ToMsSql - Transfer data from DB2 To SQL Server
- DB2ToMysql - Transfer data from DB2 To MySQL
- DB2ToOracle - Transfer data from DB2 To Oracle
- DB2ToPostgres - Transfer data from DB2 To PostgreSQL
- DB2ToSqlite - Transfer data from DB2 To SQLite
- MsSqlToAccess - Transfer data from SQL Server To Access
- MsSqlToDB2 - Transfer data from SQL Server To DB2
- MsSqlToDbf - Transfer data from SQL Server To DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- MsSqlToMysql - Transfer data from SQL Server To MySQL
- MsSqlToOracle - Transfer data from SQL Server To Oracle
- MsSqlToPostgres - Transfer data from SQL Server To PostgreSQL
- MsSqlToSqlite - Transfer data from SQL Server To SQLite
- MysqlToAccess - Transfer data from MySQL To Access
- MysqlToDB2 - Transfer data from MySQL To DB2
- MysqlToDbf - Transfer data from MySQL To DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- MysqlToMsSql - Transfer data from MySQL To SQL Server
- MysqlToOracle - Transfer data from MySQL To Oracle
- MysqlToPostgres - Transfer data from MySQL To PostgreSQL
- MysqlToSqlite - Transfer data from MySQL To SQLite
- OracleToAccess - Transfer data from Oracle To Access
- OracleToDB2 - Transfer data from Oracle To DB2
- OracleToDbf - Transfer data from Oracle To DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- OracleToMsSql - Transfer data from Oracle To SQL Server
- OracleToMysql - Transfer data from Oracle To MySQL
- OracleToPostgres - Transfer data from Oracle To PostgreSQL
- OracleToSqlite - Transfer data from Oracle To SQLite
- PostgresToAccess - Transfer data from PostgreSQL To Access
- PostgresToDB2 - Transfer data from PostgreSQL To DB2
- PostgresToDbf - Transfer data from PostgreSQL To DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- PostgresToMsSql - Transfer data from PostgreSQL To SQL Server
- PostgresToMysql - Transfer data from PostgreSQL To MySQL
- PostgresToOracle - Transfer data from PostgreSQL To Oracle
- PostgresToSqlite - Transfer data from PostgreSQL To SQLite
- SqliteToAccess - Transfer data from SQLite To Access
- SqliteToDB2 - Transfer data from SQLite To DB2
- SqliteToDbf - Transfer data from SQLite To DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- SqliteToMsSql - Transfer data from SQLite To SQL Server
- SqliteToMysql - Transfer data from SQLite To MySQL
- SqliteToOracle - Transfer data from SQLite To Oracle
- SqliteToPostgres - Transfer data from SQLite To PostgreSQL
- DBCopier - Transfer data between database
DB Copy related products:
- AccessCopier - Copy data from one Access database to another
- DB2Copier - Copy data from one DB2 database to another
- MsSqlCopier - Copy data from one SQL Server database to another
- MysqlCopier - Copy data from one MySQL database to another
- OracleCopier - Copy data from one Oracle database to another
- PostgresCopier - Copy data from one PostgreSQL database to another
- SqliteCopier - Copy data from one SQLite database to another
- DBCopier - Transfer data between database
MS SQL Server related products:
- XlsToSql - Import Excel data to MS SQL Server
- MsSqlToExcel - Export MS SQL Server data to Excel
- TxtToSql - Import flat file data to MS SQL Server
- SqlToTxt - Export MS SQL Server data to flat file and Excel
- AccessToMsSql - Convert Access data to MS SQL Server
- MsSqlToAccess - Convert MS SQL Server data to Access
- XmlToMsSql - Import XML data to MS SQL Server
- JsonToMsSql - Import JSON data to MS SQL Server
- RdfToMsSql - Import RDF data to MS SQL Server
- SqlLobEditor - Edit (Import/Export) MS SQL Server BLOB (text, ntext, image, varbinary) data directly
- FileToDB - Import data from files to databases
- DBToFile - Export data from databases to files
- DBLoader - Database import/export tool
DBF related products:
- ExcelToDbf - Import Excel data to DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- DbfToExcel - Export DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro) data to Excel
- TxtToDbf - Import CSV/TSV/TXT data to DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- DbfToFile - Export DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro) data to CSV/TSV/TXT/XML/JSON/SQL file
- XmlToDbf - Import XML data to DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- JsonToDbf - Import JSON data to DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- RdfToDbf - Import RDF data to DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- AccessToDbf - Convert Access data to DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- DbfToAccess - Convert DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro) data to Access
- FileToDB - Import data from files to databases
- DBToFile - Export data from databases to files
- DBLoader - Database import/export tool
CSV related products:
- OraLoader - Import CSV data to Oracle, Export Oracle data to CSV file
- TxtToSql - Import CSV file data to Sql Server
- TxtToMy - Import CSV file data to Mysql
- TxtToDB2 - Import CSV file data to DB2
- CsvToAccess - Import CSV data to Access
- TxtToSqlite - Import CSV file data to Sqlite
- TxtToPG - Import CSV file data to PostgreSQL
- TxtToDbf - Import CSV/TSV/TXT data to DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro)
- AccessToFile - Export Access data to CSV file
- DB2ToTxt - Export DB2 data to CSV file
- MyToTxt - Export Mysql data to CSV file
- SqlToTxt - Export Sql Server data to CSV file
- SqlitelToTxt - Export SQLite data to CSV file
- PGToTxt - Export PostgreSQL data to CSV file
- DbfToFile - Export DBF (dBase, FoxBase, FoxPro) data to CSV file
- ODBCToFile - Export ODBC data to CSV file
- FileToMongo - Import data from File to MongoDB
- MongoToFile - Export data from MongoDB to File
- MongoLoader - MongoDB import/export tool
- FileToDB - Import data from files to databases
- DBToFile - Export data from databases to files
- DBLoader - Database import/export tool
BLOB data related products:
- OraLobEditor - Edit Oracle LOB data directly, import/export Oracle LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data
- SqlLobEditor - Edit (Import/Export) Sql Server BLOB (TEXT, NTEXT, IMAGE, VARBINARY) data directly
- MyLobEditor - Edit (Import/Export) Mysql LOB (BLOB, TEXT) data directly
- DB2LobEditor - Edit (Import/Export) DB2 LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly
- PGLobEditor - Edit (Import/Export) PostgreSQL LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly
- SqliteLobEditor - Edit (Import/Export) SQLite LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly
- DBBlobEditor - Edit BLOB data directly, for multiple databases: Oracle, Sql Server, Mysql, DB2, Access...